The West Georgia Prevention & Advocacy Resource Center strives to end sexual violence in our community through prevention and awareness.
24-Hour Hotline: 770.834.7273
learn more about parc
Prevention & Advocacy
WHO We Are
We provide direct service to survivors of sexual assault, their families and their friends. We are committed to fostering awareness of sexual assault through community education. We work to create a climate of safety and healing for all victims of sexual assault. All services are free and confidential.
Who we serve
PARC’s purpose is to provide free and confidential services to victims of sexual assault and to their family and friends. The center serves the citizens of Carroll, Haralson, and Heard Counties.
What is sexual assault
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.
If I call, who will talk to me
The 24 hour hotline is answered by an Advocate. The needs of the caller are assessed. Referrals will be made if necessary. PARC offers immediate services to sexual assault victims, their family, and their friends.
What is an Advocate
An Advocate is someone who will support clients and assist them in any legal, medical, or personal issues related to the assault. An Advocate will also recommend other resources that will assist the client’s needs. Advocates have 40 hours of initial training and 10 hours of annual continuing education.
What if I was assaulted or raped
If you are sexually assaulted or raped, call the 24 hour hotline at 770-834-RAPE (7273) for resources and advocacy support.
What if no one believes me
The staff at PARC will believe you. We specialize in assisting people who have been directly or indirectly impacted by sexual assault or rape. We will provide the support you will need throughout your healing process. We will assist you in any legal, medical or personal issues that may arise due to the assault, and we will do this while creating a safe and supportive environment.
What if alcohol or drugs were involved
The use of alcohol or drugs does not mean that you deserved to be assaulted or raped. A person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not have the capability to give consent to any type of sexual activity. At times people can be taken advantage of because they are under the influence. If this is the case for you or someone you know, the assault or rape was not your fault, and PARC can still assist you in your time of need.
reach out
West Georgia Prevention & Advocacy
Resource Center, Inc
P.O. Box 2825
Carrollton, Georgia 30112
Business Line: 770.834.8905
24-Hour Hotline: 770.834.RAPE (7273)
News / Events
Tanner Establishing Program to Help People After Sexual Assaults
Tanner Health is working with community partners to help residents in the aftermath of a sexual assault. The healthcare organization is working with the West Georgia Prevention & Advocacy Resource Center (PARC) to establish a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)...
Be informed
Learn More
If you are assaulted
Specific rights for victims of certain crimes
If someone you know is assaulted
Understand Your Legal Rights
For those impacted by sexual assault
Safe Dates®
Prevention Program for Dating Abuse
Speak Up Be Safe®
Stopping and Preventing Child Abuse
Community-Based Awareness
Meeting the needs of local citizens and groups
Help us provide free and confidential services
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Every dollar that you invest will make a difference in the community we serve together.